Join us on April 8th for the total Eclipse of the Sun! The last time this happened in DFW was 1878 and this won't happen here again until 2317. So, once-in-a-lifetime event.
We will have charcuterie, fresh fruit and dessert for lunch, 2 glasses of wine included, and a bottle of our limited edition Eclipse Wine.
You will need to bring your own Solar Eclipse safety glasses to this event. You can get your glasses from one of these vendors here!
Hurry, don't wait. We are only accepting reservations for 25 people.
Bank Charge will show as ATBS & Special Events
Tags: Seasonal

04/08/2024 - 11:37am - 04/08/2024 - 2:00pm
Cowtown Winery
128 E. Exchange Ave. Suite 610
Fort Worth TX 76164